Foliage Plugin 1.4 Update

  • Moved the Foliage Plugin Actor Class from Project Settings to Data Table Settings so you can have different Foliage Actors depending on your resource
  • Rewards on Harvest now has a Min and Max value
  • Valid Damage Types is now an array of Damage Types so you can have multiple damage types for one resource

Foliage Plugin 1.2 Update

  • Added a overridable function “HandleDestructibleDamage” in the Foliage Plugin Actor to customize dealing damage to the destructible mesh component
  • Added a overridable function “HandleFoliageReward” implement custom foliage reward logic
  • Added function “HandleFoliageImpulseOnDepletion” to implement custom logic when a foliage actor is depleted
  • Added Linux compability
  • Added Unreal Engine 4.22 compability
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Foliage Plugin + Multiplayer Survival Game Template (MSGT)

Create the Foliage Data Table

Create the Foliage Plugin Actor Blueprint Class

Assign the Data Table and Foliage Actor blueprint in Project Settings > Foliage Plugin

Change the Component Class for your foliage to use the “FoliagePluginComponent” as seen below

In your data table, add a new “Tree” resource, example below:

Implement the Foliage Plugin Interface in the SurvivalController Blueprint

Right click anywhere inside the Event Graph (SurvivalController) and add the Interface Event as seen below:

An example of how to add foliage rewards to your inventory

Inside the SurvivalController Event Graph, Right click and create a new event as seen below:

Open the C_Manager-HUD Blueprint Component and modify the InteractiveTrace function to output the Hit Result

Inside the GetActionType Function (SurvivalController), add an input pin of Hit Result type as seen below:

Connect the Hit Result you just created, inside the “InteractAction” function (SurvivalController)

Modify the “GetActionType” function and add the event call you created earlier as seen in yellow:

Foliage Plugin + Survival Game Kit (SGT)

Create the Data Table (Foliage Data)

Create a Blueprint Class of type FoliagePluginActor

Assign the Data Table and the Foliage Actor in the Project Settings


Change the Component Class for your Foliage to use the “FoliagePluginComponent

Create a new Tree resource in the Foliage Data Table you previously created, see example below

Set the BP_FoliageActor class that you created earlier in the DataTable

Create a new Rock resource in the Foliage Data Table you previously created, see example below

In the BP_SurvivalCharacter Blueprint, add the Foliage Plugin Interface

Example of adding the harvested resources to our inventory

Example of how to enable Melee Weapons to harvest Trees and Rocks


Example of how to enable harvesting with “E” Interact Key

Open the “BP_PlayerInventoryComponent” (/Blueprints/Components) and modify the “Is inventory actor?” macro

Open the “Is interactable?” Macro and modify as such

Foliage Plugin Damage Types

Setting up Damage Types for the Foliage Plugin

If you haven’t setup the Foliage Plugin yet, follow this tutorial first.

Create a new Blueprint Class based on the DamageType

Set the new Damage Type required in your Foliage DataTable

When Applying damage to your Foliage, specify the new Damage Type

All done, if the incorrect damage type is applied, you will not be able to interact with the Foliage