- Deprecated GetIdentifier function for SteamID
- Deprecated GetIdentifier function for SteamGameID
- Fixed UGC enum comments
- Fixed conversion type errors (TCHAR_TO_UTF8 -> UTF8_TO_TCHAR)
- Added MakeSteamID Native Function
- Added MakeSteamGameID Native Function
- Added MakePublishedFileIDNative Function
- Added MakeUGCHandle Native Function
- Added MakeInventoryUpdateHandle Native Function
- Added MakeTicketHandle Native Function
- Added BreakSteamID Native Function
- Added BreakSteamGameID Native Function
- Added BreakPublishedFileID Native Function
- Added BreakUGCHandle Native Function
- Added BreakInventoryUpdateHandle Native Function
- Added BreakTicketHandle Native Function
- Added IsUsingP2PRelays function (ue 4.24+)
- Added GetHostPingData function (ue 4.24+)
- Added GetPingFromHostData function (ue 4.24+)
- Added IsRecalculatingPing function (ue 4.24+)
Ping functions are for the SteamSockets NetDriver ONLY
Special thanks to ROJO on discord for suggesting these changes
- Fixed crash if SteamGameServer() interface is not available
- Added Async function for DownloadItem
- Screenshot functions are now static

- Changed ServerRule delegate callback data to an array of FGameServerRule
- ServerRules function parameter port renamed to queryPort
- ServerRules function returns an array of FGameServerRule
- Fixed FGameServerRule data conversion
- RequestInternetServerList has an option to filter out non responsive servers
- RequestInternetServerList now returns an array of servers rather than per result callback
- Added Filtering Options to RequestServers
ServerFilter Class
Added a new ServerFilter object class that can be constructed at Runtime. This object can be passed into the “RequestServer” function to filter out server results