EOSCore:: 1.6.2 July 29, 2020July 29, 2020 by hulken Online Session Interface Fixed a nullptr exception when updating a sessionImplemented DestroySession
EOSCore:: 1.6.1 July 17, 2020July 16, 2020 by hulken General Changed the logging category for EOSCore:: from EOSCoreLog to LogEOSCore Lobby GetLobbyInviteIdByIndex changed output from being a string to a LobbyIdStructAdded a function to Make FLobbyId structs
Finding Sessions October 21, 2020July 15, 2020 by hulken REQUIREMENTS EOSCore:: PluginSetup the EOSCore:: pluginConfigure the OnlineSubsystemEOSCore FINDING SESSIONS You can use the default FindSessions node in UE4 to find EOS Sessions!
EOSCore:: 1.6 July 15, 2020July 14, 2020 by hulken General Changes Changed Tick mechanics for EOSCore:: and OnlineSubsystemEOSCore:: Example Project The example project has been updated, available: https://eeldev.com/index.php/eoscore/ IOnlineSessions The IOnlineSessions Interface is partially implementedYou can now use “CreateSession” node to create a game sessionYou can now use “FindSessions” node to find game sessionsYou can now use “JoinSession” node to join game sessions Chat A EOSCore:: exlusive Chat Interface is now available!Send / Receive chat messages between clientsThe Chat interface will automatically establish a connection between the two clientsThe Chat Interface utilize the P2P Interface, eliminating the possiblity of leaking sensitive information about the clients Listen for chat messages Send a chat message
EOSCore:: 1.5 July 12, 2020 by hulken OnlineSubsystemEOSCore The OnlineSubsystemEOSCore is now available!Connecting / Hosting games using the P2P InterfaceConnect to a remote host using: “open eoscore.user_product_id“The OnlineSubsystemEOSCore will handle the NAT Traversal / NAT Punchthrough, no need to configure firewalls or routers.