SteamCore:: 1.3.0 September 20, 2020 by hulken General SteamCore:: plugin now includes the SteamCore::Web plugin for free!
SteamCore:: 1.28 August 23, 2020August 20, 2020 by hulken General Added more debugging output Stats Fixed GetDownloadedLeaderboardEntry not returning the correct leaderboard result
SteamCore:: 1.24 August 3, 2020August 2, 2020 by hulken General Fixed a steam version macroSpecial thanks to OverRated for finding it Apps Fixed SteamApps not using the Server accessor when running dedicated server Networking Fixed Networking not using the Server accessor when running dedicated server Inventory Fixed Inventory not using the Server accessor when running dedicated server UGC Fixed UGC not using the Server accessor when running dedicated server Utils Fixed Utils not using the Server accessor when running dedicated server
SteamCore:: 1.22 July 30, 2020July 4, 2020 by hulken UserStats Fixed an un-initialized array issue with the GetDownloadedLeaderboardEntry function
SteamCore 1.20 June 25, 2020June 16, 2020 by hulken MatchmakingServers RequestServerList will now cancel any current active search queries before initiating a new onePingServer will now cancel any current active queries before initiating a new oneServerRules will now cancel any current active search queries before initiating a new one