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- Added compability with Unreal Engine 4.25
- Updated Steamworks version v1.47 (UE 4.25+)
- Added bUsesPresence option to CreateSteamCoreSession node
- Added IsValid nodes for several steam handles
- Added IsValid exec nodes
- Added IsIdentical exec nodes
- Added GetLaunchCommandLine function (sdk 1.46, ue 4.24+)
- Added IsEqual and IsNotEqual blueprint nodes for PublishedFileID type
- Added IsNotEqual blueprint node for SteamID type
- Added overloaded C++ operators != and == for comparing FPublishedFileID
- Added overloaded C++ operator != for comparing FSteamID
- Added BitFlags meta tag to ESteamItemState enum
- Fixed Documentation for SteamUtils
- CreateSteamCoreSession should now work with all subsystems
- FindSteamCoreSession should now work with all subsystems
- DestroySteamCoreSession should now work with all subsystems
- Renamed GetEnumAsString function
- Fixed packaging with Nativization enabled
- Added a function to invite friends to play via Remote Play Together (BSendRemotePlayTogetherInvite) (UE 4.25+)
- Added RequestEncryptedAppTicket nodes
- Added RequestStoreAuthURL nodes
- Added a custom Destroy SteamCore Session node that supports Session Names
- Added == comparison helper for Steam IDs in blueprints
- Minor changes to CreateSteamCoreSession
- Minor changes to FindSteamCoreSessions
- Added error messages when calling SteamAPI functions when steam is not properly loaded / available
- Fixed some includes needed for using SteamCore:: in a C++ project
- Made changes in Steam.h to automatically detect Steamworks version depending on engine version rather than having to manually edit the value
- Fixed crash issues on Linux when launching server
- Increased Steam Authentication Key buffer size, authenticating with GameServers should now work properly
- Create SteamCore Session & Find SteamCore Sessions have been updated