SteamCore:: 1.24


  • Fixed a steam version macro
    Special thanks to OverRated for finding it


  • Fixed SteamApps not using the Server accessor when running dedicated server


  • Fixed Networking not using the Server accessor when running dedicated server


  • Fixed Inventory not using the Server accessor when running dedicated server


  • Fixed UGC not using the Server accessor when running dedicated server


  • Fixed Utils not using the Server accessor when running dedicated server

SteamCore 1.20


  • RequestServerList will now cancel any current active search queries before initiating a new one
  • PingServer will now cancel any current active queries before initiating a new one
  • ServerRules will now cancel any current active search queries before initiating a new one

SteamCore 1.19


  • Added bTimedOut to All async Tasks
  • Added bTimedOut to All Async Actions
  • You can now see all async tasks tick when debugging is enabled
  • Fixed a couple of crashes on dedicated servers
  • Fixed UGC on dedicated servers
  • Fixed Inventory on dedicated servers
  • Fixed Apps on dedicated servers