EOSCore:: 1.21


  • Completely rewritten how Async Tasks work, they are no longer queued and will be executed immediately instead.
  • Async Actions have been simplified, replaced OnSuccess/OnFailure with OnCallback, also removed ClientData parameter
  • Added two new functions, “GetCurrentProductId” and “GetCurrentAccountId“, these will be set nativly by the plugin on successful login
New Async Nodes
New nodes


  • The Presence interface is now available!


  • The P2P interface is now available!


  • All “AddNotify” functions now have a callback function rather than only registering a callback.


  • All “AddNotify” functions now have a callback function rather than only registering a callback.


Old Notify Workflow
New AddNotify function example
The Delegates will also be called after registering a “AddNotify” callback

SteamCore 1.20


  • RequestServerList will now cancel any current active search queries before initiating a new one
  • PingServer will now cancel any current active queries before initiating a new one
  • ServerRules will now cancel any current active search queries before initiating a new one