• Updated Android Libs to link against the proper NDK version that Unreal Engine 5.x uses
  • Get Translate Object” function has been deprecated/removed and you will now have to save the callback object after creating the Translate Client.
  • Added function to generate AWS UUID strings

STS 2.0.5


  • Updated Android Libs to link against the proper NDK version that Unreal Engine 5.x uses
  • Get STS Object” function has been deprecated/removed and you will now have to save the callback object after creating the STS Client.
  • Added function to generate AWS UUID strings

SQS 2.0.4


  • Updated Android Libs to link against the proper NDK version that Unreal Engine 5.x uses
  • Get SQS Object” function has been deprecated/removed and you will now have to save the callback object after creating the SQS Client.
  • Added function to generate AWS UUID strings

SNS 2.0.4


  • Updated Android Libs to link against the proper NDK version that Unreal Engine 5.x uses
  • Get SNS Object” function has been deprecated/removed and you will now have to save the callback object after creating the SNS Client.
  • Added function to generate AWS UUID strings



  • Updated Android Libs to link against the proper NDK version that Unreal Engine 5.x uses
  • Get Secrets Manager Object” function has been deprecated/removed and you will now have to save the callback object after creating the Secrets Manager Client.
  • Added function to generate AWS UUID strings