SteamCore 1.3.3 October 12, 2020 by hulken General Fixed Steam Initialization when using Unreal Engine 4.25This is an Engine issueAdded the SteamFix module to SteamCore pluginChanged .uplugin setting “EnabledByDefault” to false, having this set to true were causing rare packaging issues.
SteamCore 1.3.2 October 7, 2020October 7, 2020 by hulken General Fixed a missing include in NetworkingTypes.h UGC Fixed a UFUNCTION meta typo in UGCAsyncActions.h Inventory Fixed GetResultItemProperty not returning a proper string valueStartUpdateProperties did not return a SteamInventoryUpdateHandleRefactored several functionsRenamed struct FDeleteItemResult to FUGCDeleteItemResult SteamCore::Web General Renamed enum EValueType to ESteamValueTypeRenamed enum EJsonResult to ESteamJsonResult
Protected: Creating an “Advanced Session” March 5, 2021October 7, 2020 by hulken This content is password protected. To view it please enter your password below: Password:
SteamCore 1.3.1 October 4, 2020October 4, 2020 by hulken General Added utility function to check if PublishedFileId is validRenamed ESubsystem to ESteamSubsystem due to a naming conflict