AWSCore::Lambda Creating a User

Creating a Lambda User

Go to and login to your Amazon Account and access the IAM Console

Click on “Users” and then “Add User

Name your user user and check “Programmatic Access

On the next screen click on “Attach existing policies directly” and search for AwsLambdaFullAccess

You can skip the “Tags” page

Verify your settings and click on “Create User

These are the security keys that you will have to enter in Unreal Engine to access Lambda functionality!

GameLift: Assign User to Policy

After creating our Access Policy (from this guide), we’ll create a new user and assign that user to our newly created Policy.

Click on “Users” then “Add user

Give your user a Username and AccessType “Programmatic Access

Click on Attach existing policies directly, then search for the policy we just created

Click on Next: Tags, and skip this step. Move on to “Create User

User successfully created!

I highly encourage you to “Download .csv” to save your credentials to a file, otherwise you will NOT be able to retrieve these credentials again!

GameLift: Access Policy

Creating an Access Policy

Click on Create Policy

Select “JSON” type policy

Copy-paste this codeblock into the text editor

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": "gamelift:*",
            "Resource": "*"

The result should look like this, click on “Review Policy” when done

Give our Policy a name, we’ll use “GameLiftFullAccess” in this example, click on “Create Policy” when done

GameLiftFullAccess policy created

GameLift: Initializing Client


Before we can initialize and use GameLift, we need to create Access keys that we use to Identify ourselves with Amazon GameLift.

Follow these tutorials on how to create an Access Policy & Assign a user to our Policy.

  1. Creating an Access Policy
  2. Create a new user and assign our Policy

Initializing GameLift Client

Using our newly created Policy & User credentials we can Initialize GameLift inside Unreal Engine.

Using GameLift

After you’ve “Created a GameLift Object” we can start accessing GameLift functionality!
You can find all GameLift functions by searching for GameLift in the Context menu

You can use utility function “GetGameLiftObject” to get the last created GameLiftObject, if you create a new object then this function will return that object. You can store a reference to the object instead if you want to use multiple GameLift Objects.

Finding Sessions

Joining a Session

More Examples

Check out the downloadale Example Project