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- All AWS plugins has been updated to version 3.0.0
- The update includes a new version of the AWS SDK: 1.11.515
- The newer versions are NOT COMPATIBLE with older versions of the plugin(s), all AWS plugins must use 3.0 and later.
- Supported Engine Versions: 5.4 and 5.5
- Current SDK 34+
- Older engine versions do not meet Google Play Store API requirements
- Supported Engine Versions: 5.4 and 5.5
- Xcode 15+, IOS 17 SDK
- Older engine versions do not meet Apple Store API requirements
- Unreal Engine 5.2 and later
- Added libs for Unreal Engine 5.3
- Fixed callbacks for several functions in the Logs library that did not have a correct return value
- Updated Android Libs to link against the proper NDK version that Unreal Engine 5.x uses
- “Get CloudWatch Object” function has been deprecated/removed and you will now have to save the callback object after creating the CloudWatch Client.
- Added function to generate AWS UUID strings
- Added support for Unreal Engine 5.2
- Added a new lib loader module for Windows
- Fixed compiling the plugin on unsupported platforms