VIVOXCORE 1.0.5 August 28, 2021 by hulken GENERAL Added a function to generate tokens, this function will work on dedicated servers even if the vivox api fails to initailize, use this function to generate tokens on your server
STEAMCORE August 26, 2021 by hulken GENERAL Updated “Create SteamCore Session“Renamed: NumPublicConnections -> MaxPlayersNew property: bUseLobbiesIfAvailableNew property: bUseLobbiesVoiceChatifAvailableMoved Steam.h to Private/SteamCoreMoved SteamCoreSettings.h to Private/SteamCoreThe 2 new properties apply to 4.27 only
STEAMCORE August 23, 2021 by hulken GENERAL Added UE4.27 supportSteam SDK 1.51 features will be implemented in a future update UTILS Removed deprecated function GetCSERIPPort