• Exposed “Save foliage data to disk” function to blueprints so you can manually force a save in case you need to shut down the game and not having to wait for auto saving to finish
  • Added a custom Foliage Manager class to Project Settings that allows you to use a custom manager, this manager has the ability to customise the save game name (for now)
  • Added overridable function “Save Foliage Data to Disk” to the Foliage Manager that allows you to implement custom logic when foliage is being saved



  • Fixed a crash when shutting down the application with a async function in flight
  • Removed AsyncTimeout from Plugin Settings as it was no longer used
  • Removed Logging from Plugin Settings as it was no longer used, see Logging example how to enable logging for the plugin
  • All Async functions now have a timeout parameter that you can set, this timeout value determines the maximum amount of time a function will run until its cancelled if we don’t get a callback from Steam



  • Fixed a crash on editor shutdown in UE 4.27
  • Updated EOS SDK to 1.41.1


New Features:
  • Custom Invites
  • The Custom Invites feature is designed for developers who want to use their own grouping technology while still taking advantage of the Social Overlay and Epic Games Launcher invite buttons and prompts.Developers provide an arbitrary string payload for transmission to other players, and this payload is sent either through direct API call or via the Social Overlay Invite button. Players on the receiving side will see the same Social Overlay “Invite Received” prompts as with EOS Sessions and Lobbies, and received invites can also trigger new EOSSDK API callbacks if desired.
  • Added CustomInvites UI elements and functionality to AuthAndFriends sample.
  • A “Send Invite” button opens a send invite dialog which allows the user to set a payload and choose a target user, and ultimately “send” an invite. Instead of using the Send button, the Overlay can also be opened where a “Send” button will appear next to any users currently eligible to receive the invitation.
  • When an invite is received, a dialog appears with detail about the invite and offers “Accept” and “Decline” buttons which ultimately call FinalizeInvite with Success/Canceled results.
  • New: Added verbose logging support for the bootstrapper, this is enabled by passing either of the following as command line arguments: -v or –verbose.
  • New: The bootstrapper now supports custom runtime icons on Windows, to use a custom icon place a BootstrapperIcon.ico under the <workingdir>/_EasyAntiCheat/ directory.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed AntiCheatServer backend timeout errors when running with a very high number of players in a single game server.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed a potential crash with a very high number of players in a single game server or with a poor backend connection.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed AntiCheatClient PollStatus function having an out parameter incorrectly named ViolationType instead of OutViolationType.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed AntiCheatClient PollStatus function lacking correct out parameter marshaling in the C# SDK.
  • Bug Fix: The bootstrapper is now code signed on Windows.
  • Bug Fix: The bootstrapper now displays an error if the executable field defined through Settings.json targets a directory.
  • Security improvements.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed EOS_Auth_CopyIdToken not providing an ID Token for logins using the EOS_ELoginCredentialType::EOS_LCT_AccountPortal and EOS_ELoginCredentialType::EOS_LCT_DeviceCode credential types.
  • Added user authentication support using Epic Account ID Tokens with a new EOS_EExternalCredentialType::EOS_ECT_EPIC_ID_TOKEN credentials type.
  • Added Amazon as a supported user authentication provider.
  • Extended EOS_Connect_VerifyIdToken to return information about the external account associated with the verified Product User ID.
  • Updated header commenting for EOS_Connect_QueryProductUserIdMappingsOptions struct to callout usage with dedicated servers.
  • Minimum supported macOS version has been changed from 10.14 to 10.12.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed a bug where create/join lobby would fail and destroy any existing lobbies by closing the active connection.
Social Overlay
  • New: Added the CustomInvites Interface to provide developers the ability to transmit/receive arbitrary payloads with the same high-level functionality provided by EOS Lobbies and Sessions.
  • New: Added CustomInvites UI elements and functionality to AuthAndFriends sample.
    • A “Send Invite” button opens a send invite dialog which allows the user to set a payload and choose a target user, and ultimately “send” an invite.
    • When an invite is received, a dialog appears with detail about the invite and offers “Accept” and “Decline” buttons which ultimately call FinalizeInvite with Success/Canceled results.
    • Custom Invites Interface: Added “Payload” as a parameter in the OnCustomInviteReceived and OnCustomInviteAccepted callback infos
  • Custom Invites – Added EOS_CustomInvites_NotifyCustomInviteAccepted EOS_CustomInvites_RemoveNotifyCustomInviteAccepted EOS_CustomInvites_NotifyCustomInviteProcessed



  • Added hotkey for Focus asset [F]
  • Added hotkey for resetting view to default view [R]
  • Added camera location bookmarks, these bookmarks can be used to have a preset of camera locations to switch between
    Keys: CTRL + 0-9 will save the current camera location
    Keys: 0-9 will move the camera to the saved location
  • Added a Help window to help you remember hotkeys and provide other useful information

S3 1.2.1


  • Disabled bBypassGovernanceRetention parameter unless it’s set to true, it was causing an error when calling DeleteObject function