EOS: Testing Multiplayer


  • Unreal Engine 4.25+
  • EOSCore:: 1.8.0+
  • Separate Epic Accounts
    Depending on how many game instances you want to test simultaneously, you must have a unique Epic account for each instance
  • Configured OnlineSubsystem

The best way when testing multiplayer is to use the DevTool that is provided by the EOS SDK.
You can obtain the DevTool from the EOS Developer Portal, “Download SDK

After obtaining your copy of the DevTool, launch the application and create your token.
Remember that for each instance you must use a separate Epic Account, using the same Epic account for multiple instances will not work!

DevTool Credentials


You can play test using either Standalone or launching from Command line

Authenticating with the DevTool

Logged In

Find and join your session

EOS: Logging In / Authentication

EOSCore version 1.8.0 now has a Login function that is meant to simplify the login process.

Logging in via Device ID

AuthType: Password
CredentialsType: DeviceId Access Token

LoginId is your DisplayName
Token is unused
Data is unused

Logging in via Epic Portal

AuthType: AccountPortal
CredentialsType: Epic

LoginId is unused
Token is unused
Data is unused

Loggin in with Persistent Auth (saved credentials)

AuthType: PersistentAuth
CredentialsType: Epic

LoginId is unused
Token is unused
Data is unused

Logging in via DevTool

AuthType: Developer
CredentialsType: Epic

LoginId is the address, example: localhost:1111
Token is the token you specified in the developer tool, example: hulken
Data is unused

Logging in via Async Nodes

If you are logging in “manually” by using the EOS Async Blueprint Nodes, you have to update the UniqueNetId manually. You can do it by adding this event to your PlayerController