ISteamUserStats Interface
Provides functions for accessing and submitting stats, achievements, and leaderboards.
Steamworks Documentation:
Foliage Plugin 1.4.1 Update
- Changed the HandleFoliageReward function signature inside the FoligeActor that can be overriden to implement custom logic for handling the reward data.
- Changed FoligeRewardData struct to BlueprintReadWrite to enable modifying the reward data in blueprint overridable events.
- OnFoliageHarveted interface fucntion is now BlueprintCallable
- Optimized Replication using FastArraySerializer
- Fixed an issue where the blocking object types didn’t always block respawns / despawns
Foliage Plugin 1.4 Update
- Moved the Foliage Plugin Actor Class from Project Settings to Data Table Settings so you can have different Foliage Actors depending on your resource
- Rewards on Harvest now has a Min and Max value
- Valid Damage Types is now an array of Damage Types so you can have multiple damage types for one resource
Foliage Plugin 1.2 Update
- Added a overridable function “HandleDestructibleDamage” in the Foliage Plugin Actor to customize dealing damage to the destructible mesh component
- Added a overridable function “HandleFoliageReward” implement custom foliage reward logic
- Added function “HandleFoliageImpulseOnDepletion” to implement custom logic when a foliage actor is depleted
- Added Linux compability
- Added Unreal Engine 4.22 compability