FoliagePlugin 1.5.3 October 17, 2020October 16, 2020 by hulken General You can now override the event “HandleFoliageDamage” in FoliageActors to add custom logic. In the example below we’ll reduce a Health value to 0 before giving the resource to the player.Added ReduceRemainigUses to FoliageActorsAdded SetRemainigUses to FoliageActorsAdded AddRemainigUses to FoliageActors
GameLiftServer Linux October 28, 2020October 15, 2020 by hulken Using the AWSCore::GameLiftServer plugin requires you to install the OpenSSL libraries in your AWS Linux Instance. Example sudo yum -y install openssl11-libs.x86_64 sudo chmod u+x ./GameLift_Server/Binaries/Linux/GameLift_ServerServer Uploading GameLiftServer The most important part here is that you use the AMAZON_LINUX_2 type and not the default Amazon Linux Instance. copy d:\_compile\AWS\LinuxServer\ aws gamelift upload-build --name GameLiftServerTest --build-version 1.0.0 --build-root D:\_compile\AWS\LinuxServer --operating-system AMAZON_LINUX_2 --region eu-west-2
FoliagePlugin 1.5.2 October 14, 2020October 14, 2020 by hulken General Fixed an issue with loading data table data in a packaged projectAdded more debugging output Debugging DefaultEngine.ini [Core.Log] LogFoliagePlugin=Verbose
SteamCore 1.3.3 October 12, 2020 by hulken General Fixed Steam Initialization when using Unreal Engine 4.25This is an Engine issueAdded the SteamFix module to SteamCore pluginChanged .uplugin setting “EnabledByDefault” to false, having this set to true were causing rare packaging issues.
Creating a CloudTrail User October 12, 2020 by hulken Go to and login to your Amazon Account and access the IAM Console Click on “Users” and then “Add User“ Name your user user and check “Programmatic Access“ On the next screen click on “Attach existing policies directly” and search for “CloudTrail” and select “CloudTrailFullAccess“. You can skip the “Tags” page Verify your settings and click on “Create User“ These are the security keys that you will have to enter in Unreal Engine to access CloudTrail functionality!