- Support is available* during 0800-1400 GMT+1 (UTC+01:00)
- Support is unavailable during Swedish Holidays and Weekends.
July 15th – August 31st
- Support will be very limited during this period
When reporting an issue or requesting help with an issue you always want to include logs, if you don’t include logs then helping you will be nearly impossible. Logs will tell us what engine version you are using, your hardware, what functions you called and most importantly if will include a callstack (if the issue is crash-related)
Make sure you’re a verified customer
Check the link below
By providing as much information as possible as described below your odds of getting help and resolving the issue increases a lot, simply asking “How do I fix this feature not working?” Is not going to help you or anyone else and it will waste your own time and anyone trying to help you, include as much information as possible with your question.
Alot of issues that are reported are covered in the plugins documentation and is the result of not reading the documentation or skipping parts of the documentation that are critical to the plugins operation.
If you are on eelDevs discord and have verified your product ownership you’ll have access to the plugins dedicated discord channel, in 9/10 cases the question you are about to ask has been asked and answered multiple times before, use the discord search functionality.
Every plugin product has their own Example Project that covers a lot of the basics and how to get started, they are not going to cover everything but it’s a good idea to study the Example Project and go from there, the example projects are also Examples and not something you should migrate or use in a final product as they don’t include best practises and only demonstrates functionality in its simplest manner.
In most cases issues are related to not configuring the projects DefaultEngine.ini, this is what tells the engine which subsystem to use and what credentials a plugin should use.
Please note that issues that are not plugin related or that are service related do not have priority and may not be answered if nobody knows or does not have time to answer your questions, some example questions:
- How do I setup Steam Achievements?
- How do I replicate my Player name to other players?
- How do I purchase my own Steam App Id?
Questions like these are not plugin related, the plugins provided are service API plugins that communicate between Unreal Engine and a service provided by (Valve or Epic for example), if you have issues or questions regarding their services your first step should be to reach out to the service provider and their community,
With that said feel free to ask your questions that are service or plugin-unrelated but you should not expect an answer or anyone to help you.
See below what you shoud include with your report/question
Always include fresh logs
Run your project and re-produce the issue and close the project. Do not send logs that contain thousands of lines of code, also do not send old logs.
Always send up to date and newly generated logs.
Include as much information as possible
- What operating system are you running?
- Engine version?
- Plugin version?
- Packaged Project?
- Running in the Editor?
Where can I find my logs?
Logs are always generated in your projects Saved directory, see the screenshot below.
File names might be different in your case but the same principle still applies.
Which logfile should I include?
If you are running a PIE instance (run in editor) you can include the SteamCore_Example.log file, however if you are running a Standalone Game instance in the editor you will have to send the SteamCore_Example_2.log becuase when you run a Standalone Game instance the editor will generate a log file for that instance alone.
Packaged projects save their logs in the Saved directory, see the included screenshot for an example.
If you are working in your own project it’s also a good idea to include screenshots of your Blueprint logic.