EOSCore:: will now compile for Linux. Linux functionality is untested
Fixed missing AddNotify IDs not being set properly
New function: EOSLobbyAddNotifyLobbyInviteAccepted
New function: EOSLobbyRemoveNotifyLobbyInviteAccepted
New delegate: OnLobbyInviteAcceptedCallbackInfo
EOSP2PSendPacket now supports optional reliability and optional ordering. Ordered packets are only ordered relative to other ordered packets. Ordered packets are always reliable.
New function: EOS_SetRelayControl and EOS_GetRelayControl to control usage of P2P relay servers. Relay servers can now be:Disabled: Relay servers will not be used for P2P connections.
New function: EOS_SetPortRange and EOS_GetPortRange to control what network ports are preferred by P2P.
EOS SDK 1.7.0 Changelog
New: EOS_Auth_Login for External Accounts
Added type EOS_LCT_ExternalAuth to EOS_ELoginCredentialType.
Added ExternalType to EOS_Auth_Credentials data structure.
Added support for authentication with external Encrypted Steam App Ticket. This integrates with Epic’s Account Portal and, after success, links the Steam account to the specified Epic Account.
Failed HTTP requests have been changed to use exponential backoff when retrying.
Added more error logging during EOS_Initialize for several cases that return EOS_UnexpectedError
Bug Fix: EOS_EpicAccountId_FromString and EOS_ProductUserId_FromString properly handle UTF8 character input. Proper identifiers do not include anything other than basic ANSI but this prevents any issues in the future.
iOS Mobile
The SDK is now available on iOS platforms for iOS11+
iOS projects that embed the SDK need to have bitcode disabled and must run on a physical iOS device. Simulator functionality is under investigation.
Added EOS_Connect_Login support for EOS_ECT_APPLE_ID_TOKEN, using the native “Sign in with Apple” API to provide a JWT Token in exchange for access (Requires iOS13+).
Added EOS_Auth_Login support for EOS_LCT_AccountPortal on iOS. This is a web authentication session login via the Epic Account Portal, which supports many authentication services.
Added the ability for the SDK to Load, Save and Delete items in the iOS Keychain on device. This is handled automatically for the dev during login. This persistent authentication can be deleted at any time when required by the dev.
Added an additional login sample that demonstrates:
Logging into the EOS Auth Interface using the Account Portal
Auto login with any previously persisted secure credentials in the Keychain
Logout flows and Keychain credential removal
Optionally demonstrates iOS “Sign in with Apple” for logging into the EOS Connect Interface (See sample documentation on how to enable this feature).
Bug Fix: Leaderboard interface will now properly return EOS_NotFound when retrieving data for a leaderboard that doesn’t exist.
Added the presence concept to lobbies and integrated into the Social Overlay.
Added some improvements to lobby recovery during backend service deployments. Clients will try to recover if lobby information becomes out of sync during that time.
New: EOS_P2P_SendPacket now supports optional reliability and optional ordering. Ordered packets are only ordered relative to other ordered packets. Ordered packets are always reliable.
New: Added functions EOS_SetRelayControl and EOS_GetRelayControl to control usage of P2P relay servers. Relay servers can now be:
Disabled: Relay servers will not be used for P2P connections.
Allowed: if direct connection fails relays will be used.
Forced: Relays will always be used for P2P connections.
New: Added functions EOS_SetPortRange and EOS_GetPortRange to control what network ports are preferred by P2P.
New: Added Steam Authentication Support
Added Steam build targets to each config for AuthAndFriends project. The Steam version is set up to include Steam SDK headers, links with the Steam SDK library and copies over required Steam SDK files to the sample Bin folder pre-build. The Steamworks SDK must be downloaded by the developer.
Build will copy steam_appid.txt from the root of the project once it exists there.
Added SteamManager to manage Steam Init, Requesting Steam Encrypted App Ticket and invoking login with received App Ticket as a string to EOS_Auth_Login.
After user info is retrieved, the Steam DisplayName is displayed in the output console to verify external user info is correct via FUsers::GetExternalAccountDisplayName().
Bug Fix: Fixed some sample crashes which could occur while logged in and closing the sample.
Bug Fix: Lobby sample to now properly disconnects on “unexpected disconnect” message from SDK
Session Based Matchmaking
Bug Fix: EOS_Sessions_CreateSessionModification and EOS_Sessions_UpdateSessionModification will now properly null out the out parameter on failure.
Bug Fix: EOS_Sessions_CreateSessionModification properly checks that a user is logged in before succeeding if not creating sessions as a dedicated server.
Social Overlay
Achievements have been enabled and are now displayed in the overlay. Older versions of the SDKs will not show achievements and require the upgrade.
Bug Fix: Fixed a localization issue that caused missing text in Achievement notifications for locales other than English
Delay the initial Social Overlay startup until the EOS SDK knows rather all associated overlay features are available for the client credentials. This will allow removing the Achievements tab from the Social Overlay on games that do not currently use the EOS Service.
Bug Fix: Improved handling of Social Overlay UI interactions when dealing with backend service calls with a EOS_EResult that will retry (determined by EOS_EResult_IsOperationComplete returning EOS_FALSE).
Fixed an issue where the plugin would not load in a packaged project
Added more debugging info
Friends interface is now finished and available!
Added additional callback information when uploading/downloading files
Bug Fix: Fixed an issue where EOS_Auth_PinGrantInfo::VerificationURIComplete value was garbage
EOS Core
Bug Fix: (Mac only) Force an ANSI allocator when a memory allocator isn’t specified by the application Tracking an issue where new/delete isn’t matching up with some of the SDK internal third party libraries