Changed LoginNode buffer size for AccessToken (from 256 to 2048)
Bug Fix: Fixed compatibility issues with C# versions <7.
Bug Fix: Fixed iOS Config targets.
Renamed the EOS_Lobby_LocalRTCOptions parameter bAudioOutputStartsMuted to bLocalAudioDeviceInputStartsMuted to better describe what is muted.
Bug Fix: Removed an erroneous warning during lobby update. The client can possibly be aware of more attributes than the backend while updates are in flight. This was generating false “out of sync” errors.
Bug Fix: Fixed a crash when the RTC initialization options were not specified on EOS Platform Creation, but Lobbies had the RTC Room feature enabled. In this case, lobby creation will now fail with an EOS_InvalidRequest result.
Bug Fix: Fixed an incorrect warning that would always occur when using the Lobbies RTC Room feature.
Player Data Storage
Added additional logging in some error cases for EOS_PlayerDataStorage_QueryFile, EOS_PlayerDataStorage_QueryFileList, and EOS_PlayerDataStorage_ReadFile.
Usages of the EOS_Lobby_LocalRTCOptions parameter bAudioOutputStartsMuted must be renamed bLocalAudioDeviceInputStartsMuted.
Console Specific
New: Set PS5 SDK version to
New: Set the PS4 SDK version to 8.508.001
Nintendo Switch
Bug Fix: Fixed an issue where P2P could get stuck thinking the network was not available if the network was not available the first time P2P was used. P2P now always correctly resumes when the network becomes available again.
Bug Fix: Fixed an issue where asynchronous Lobby API calls could take a very long time to timeout when the network is unavailable.
Xbox Series X|S
Bug Fix: Fixed an RTC audio capture issue on Xbox Series X|S.
Fixed login node callback being triggered twice from OSS when using DeviceId Login node may still trigger several callbacks when using other authentication methods since it may do multiple authentication attempts depending on the authentication method
All subsystems will now clear all Notifications for every interface on shutdown and do proper cleanup of all callback objects, adding redudancy if the developer forgets to remove notifications on shutdown
Changed notification objects to be TSharedPtr for better memory management
Refactored callback objects
New function: ListenForEosMessages You can now receive EOS logging messages in blueprints (see image below)
New function: RemoveListenForEosMessages
Renamed all blueprint functions (metadata) to match the EOS SDK functions, also to reduce their “length” as some functions where not visible in the context menu