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  5. Multiplayer Survival Game Template (MSGT)

Multiplayer Survival Game Template (MSGT)

Create the Foliage Data Table

Create the Foliage Plugin Actor Blueprint Class

Assign the Data Table and Foliage Actor blueprint in Project Settings > Foliage Plugin

Change the Component Class for your foliage to use the “FoliagePluginComponent” as seen below

In your data table, add a new “Tree” resource, example below:

Implement the Foliage Plugin Interface in the SurvivalController Blueprint

Right click anywhere inside the Event Graph (SurvivalController) and add the Interface Event as seen below:

An example of how to add foliage rewards to your inventory

Inside the SurvivalController Event Graph, Right click and create a new event as seen below:

Open the C_Manager-HUD Blueprint Component and modify the InteractiveTrace function to output the Hit Result

Inside the GetActionType Function (SurvivalController), add an input pin of Hit Result type as seen below:

Connect the Hit Result you just created, inside the “InteractAction” function (SurvivalController)

Modify the “GetActionType” function and add the event call you created earlier as seen in yellow:

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