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  4. Foliage Actor Overrides

Foliage Actor Overrides

The Foliage Actor has several events and functions that can be overridden to customize and implement custom logic that you might want for your own project.

blueprint Events

  • BPE_OnFoliageDamaged
    This event is called every time the foliage actor is damaged
  • BPE_OnFoliageDepleted
    This event is called when the foliage actor has been “depleted” and can no longer be harvested
  • BPE_OnFoliageMeshUpdated
    This event is called when the Foliage Mesh is updated
  • BPE_OnFoliageRemainingUsesUpdated
    This event is called every time the “Uses” (the number of times the actor can be harvested) is updated/changed


  • HandleDestructibleDamage
    This function can be overriden to customize how damage is applied to the Destructible Mesh
  • HandleFoliageDamage
    This function can be overridden to customize how damage is applied to the Foliage Actor
    See the Health value example
  • HandleFoliageImpulseOnDepletion
    You can override this function if you want to customize how the physics impulse is applied to the foliage actor when it’s resources are depleted
  • HandleFoliageReward
    If you want to customize the reward when the foliage actor is harvested