• Updated EOS SDK to version 1.15.1

Version 1.15.1

July 1, 2022


Note – If you ship your game on Steam:

  • If you have already downloaded and are using Epic Online Services SDK version 1.15 for C or C#, you need to download the 1.15.1 version of the SDK and use it instead.
  • 1.15.1 has updated authentication for Steam in the SDK for C and SDK for C#. The SDKs for consoles are unaffected.

SDK for C and SDK for C#

  • DeprecatedEOS_ECT_STEAM_APP_TICKET is deprecated for use with EOS_Auth_Login. Use EOS_ECT_STEAM_SESSION_TICKET instead.
    • Note: The SDKs for consoles are unaffected.